Jan 1st Copper Law
As of January 1st, 2025, Lake State Recycling will be required by law to no longer accept Copper containing scrap without a license. We are trying to navigate the murky details of the legislation the best we can.
to go directly to the MN Dept of Commerce site detailing what is required for the license application.
Other options are listed under Chapter 326B or Section 1031.501. It appears that if you’re in the construction trades you are allowed to use your State License as a License to sell Copper. Also, if you have EPA 608 Technician Certificate that will also work as a License to purchase Copper.
We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience in dealing with this. We share your frustration with this new legislation and ask that rather than calling us to voice your concerns you make calls to your State Representatives.
Lake State Recycling was founded by Chris Baumgardt and Harley Hanson in 2010 in Nowthen, Minnesota.